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Data Sim Card

by Kristy

Hello, it looks like using either my US or UK sim card will be pretty expensive while travelling in Montenegro. I have read that you can buy data sim cards throughout the country. Do you know where you can buy these? My mom and I plan to cross the border from Croatia to Montenegro and would like to find a data sim card near the border, if possible.
Thanks for your help!

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Aug 21, 2018
Thank you NEW
by: Kristy

Great. Thank you, Sarah!

Aug 21, 2018
Data Sim Card
by: Sarah

Hi Kristy,

You can buy SIM cards with data at any newspaper stand. They’ll be able to give you information about the different options so you can choose one. Each network (T-com, Telenor and Mtel) have tourist packets that expire after about a month and give you data and credit. They cost about 10 Euros each. If you’re crossing via the main border (Debeli Brijeg), you can buy a SIM card at the first petrol station past the border.

Happy travels,

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