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Day Excursion to Biogradska Gora National Park

Hi Sarah,

I am looking for such a tour from Podgorica on Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday (this coming week) - Monastery Moraca and Kolasin. Not a private tour which will cost a lot of money. Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you,

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Dec 06, 2017
Day Excursion to Biogradska Gora National Park
by: Sarah

Hi Michelle,

I'm not aware of a group day tour from Podgorica to Biogradska Gora NP. A this time of year a private tour/driver would be your only option. My suggestion would be to negotiate with a local driver (staff at your accommodation should be able to offer a recommendation) to drive you there and back. You won't have a tour guide, but most Montenegrins are very well versed in local history and geography and are happy to tell you about Montenegro.

Happy travels!

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