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Kotor Hop On Hop Off Bus

by John Reader

Hi Sarah,

We are visiting Kotor in October from a cruise. I have a few questions about the Hop-On-Hop-Off bus.

How long does the round trip take if you don't get off the bus?

Does the coach wait whilst you visit each local attraction or does it carry on and you catch the next coach when ready?


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Sep 03, 2018
Kotor Hop On Hop Off Bus
by: Sarah

Hi John,

Kotor Open Tour stops at the Risan mosaics and waits for 20-25 minutes while you visit the site. Then you board the same bus and head back towards Kotor. There's an optional stop in Perast, and if you disembark here the bus will continue on without you and you'll catch any subsequent bus back to Kotor when you're finished in Perast. The same goes for the other optional stop, Bajova Kula beach, which lies between Perast and Kotor.

Happy travels,

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