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Lunch & Dinner Time

by Britt
(the Netherlands)

Hi Sarah,

Love your website. Quick question though. What are the usual times for lunch and dinner in Montenegro if you go out to eat?
Lunch at 2PM/3PM and dinner at 8PM/9PM?

Thank you!

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Aug 02, 2017
Thank you
by: Britt

Thank you so much for the information!

Aug 02, 2017
Lunch and Dinner Time
by: Sarah

Hi Britt,

Lunch is usually anywhere between 12 and 3pm here. In homes, lunch is often served promptly at 12pm. But the traditional working hours were 7am-3pm, so it's very common to eat lunch at 3pm.

Eating out usually starts from 8pm, especially at this time of year when people are on the beach until 6 or 7 in the evening and then head out for dinner. It's also much more pleasant to eat out once the sun has set, because of the heat.

If you see a restaurant you'd like to try, I'd recommend making a reservation or going around 6, when it's less busy.

Happy travels!

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