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Public transport


Thanks for all the information you've put together! It is amazingly helpful. My boyfriend and I are planning a short trip to Montenegro (unfortunately, very short), and since we usually travel by public transport, we were wondering where to find more information on bus/train travel in Montenegro. Is there a website (especially for the former)? Or, for a short trip, would you recommend a rental car as being quicker/more convenient?


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Mar 12, 2018
Public transport
by: Sarah

Hi Yvonne,

You'll find bus timetables at these sites:
- Balkan Viator

If you want to see a lot in a short time, I'd recommend hiring a car. You'll be able to combine lots of sights in a day that way.

If you're not planning to do a lot of sightseeing, using local buses will be fine. Keep in mind that there will be more intercity bus options in the tourist season ie. July and August, than during other months.

Another way to see a lot, but avoid hiring a car, is to do a Montenegro Full Day Tour. This is a fun, group tour that takes you to the main highlights all in one day.

Happy travels!

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