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Questions About My Upcoming Visit to the Region

by Jian Wu
(New Jersey, US)

Hi Sarah,

I stumbled on your website and found lots of helpful information.

I plan to take my family of 4 (my wife, myself and 2 kids - ages 12 and 17) to visit Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro in June/July, 2021. I've currently allocated 2 days for Montenegro. I have a few questions and I hope you don’t mind answering them.

1. I have 2 plans, please let me know which one is more practical:

1) Drive from Dubrovnik to Montenegro in the morning, stay one night in Montenegro and drive back to Dubrovnik in the evening of the 2nd day.

2) Drive from Dubrovnik to Montenegro in the evening, stay two nights in Montenegro and drive back to Dubrovnik in the evening of the 3rd day.

2. I plan to visit Kotor, Perast, Budva, Sveti Stefan and Lovćen National Park. Is that too much in 2 days?

3. We are interested in visiting ancient cities, city walls and doing some outdoor activities (swimming, hiking, etc.). It will be great if you can recommend some specific things to do at the above places.

Thank you very much in advance.

Jian Wu

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Jan 16, 2020
Questions About My Upcoming Visit to the Region
by: Sarah

Hi Jian,

Thanks for your question. Here are my answers:

1. I'd highly recommend staying two nights in Montenegro. If you stay one night you could reasonably expect to visit Kotor and Perast, but miss the rest on your wish list.

2. With a two night stay I would plan my days like this:

DAY 1: Arrive in Montenegro, overnight in the Bay of Kotor or Budva Riviera.
DAY 2: Visit Budva, Sveti Stefan and Lovćen National Park by driving circular route Kotor - Serpentine Road - Njegusi - Lovćen - Cetinje - Sveti Stefan - Budva (can also be done in the opposite direction). Overnight in the Bay of Kotor or Budva Riviera.
DAY 3: Visit Kotor and Perast. Return to Dubrovnik.

3. Things to do:

Kotor - walk the fortress walls, Blue Cave and Our Lady of the Rocks Boat Tour, Kotor Walking Tour

Budva: Walk through the old town

Sveti Stefan: Walk through Milocer Forest, swim on the beach

Njegusi: Stop at Kod Pera na Bukovicu (oldest restaurant in Montenegro) for prosciutto.

Cetinje: National Museum, King Nikola's Palace

Perast: Our Lady of the Rocks, town museum

Happy travels,

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