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Travelling documents for our dog + covid regulations

by Ine
(Belgium )

Hi Sarah,

We found a lot of helpful information on your website and are going to use it as a guideline for our upcoming vacation in May-June 2022. However, we can not find an official website or guidelines for travelling through Montenegro with our dog. Do you know which documents we have to have to pass the border? We are from Belgium and are in possession of a chip, EU passport with proof of rabies vaccination. Is this sufficient?

Thanks so much in advance!

Ine from Belgium

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Mar 10, 2022
Travelling documents for our dog + covid regulations
by: Sarah

Hi Ine,

Your dog will need to have its EU passport and a veterinary declaration of health to enter Montenegro (more here:

If you are looking for covid restrictions for entry closer to your arrival date you'll find them at (Montenegrin language only, unfortunately).

Happy travels,

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