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Assistance with Genealogy Research in Montenegro?

by Connie L.
(California, USA)

My question is a little unusual - my grandparents were from Montenegro. I am coming to Montenegro in September for the first time and am hoping to do some genealogy research. Do you have any suggestions for who I might contact in order to try and find out which cemeteries my ancestors (great-grandparents) are buried in or how to find their graves? Or any records of them, marriage licenses, where they lived, etc? I'm not sure where to look. My ancestors were from Morinj and Virpazar. Is there an organization, or perhaps any individuals, who can give this kind of assistance? Thank you!

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Jun 16, 2023
Birth Certificate NEW
by: Sarah

Hi Trevor,

Your friend will need to get one from the Niksic MUP office.

Best wishes,

Jun 16, 2023
Birth Certificate NEW
by: Trevor

Hello my friend was born in 1961 in Niksic and immigrated to canada. He needs a replacement birth certificate. Where can he get one.

Aug 02, 2021
Death certificate
by: Sarah

Hi Candie,

You can get birth and death certificates from the MUP office in the municipality where the person was born. A birth certificate is called 'Izvod iz maticnih' and a death certificate is called 'Izvod iz umrlih'.

Happy travels,

Jul 26, 2021
Also looking for where to write
by: Candie Prlain

Hello, I too am looking for where to write to locate birth and death information. My great grandfather died in prison in 1917 in Montenegro.

Nov 03, 2019
by: Sarah

Hi Maria,

If your grandfather was born in the municipality of Kotor you'll have to go to the city council or archive in Kotor to get that document.

Best of luck!

Oct 02, 2019
by: Maria

I am also looking for my great grandfather’s birth certificate in Boka Kotorska in 1865/1866 (not sure). Could you help me?

Aug 09, 2017
Assistance with Genealogy Research in Montenegro?
by: Sarah

Hi Connie,

What a fascinating question!

Funnily enough my husband has an uncle from Gornji Morinj (Upper Morinj) and I might know someone who can help.

I'll send you an email to get some more information.

Best wishes,

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