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From Kotor to Ohrid

by Alison

Hi there!

I am planning to be in Kotor this July, and I'll need to go from there to Ohrid. I've searched a lot about how to get between these two towns, but all the information I get is quite outdated.

If you can help, what's the best way to go from Kotor to Ohrid using public transportation?


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Apr 10, 2018
Uploaded info about Ohrid - Kotor via NEW
by: Maximiliano

Hi Sarah !

I'm writting from Argentina.
I will be in Kotor in August coming from Ohrid (in Macedonia).

Could you tell me if any bus continues going to Kotor from there ?

I read that Galeb bus company do the journey but I'm not sure about it.

Hope you read this message !

Thank you

Jun 23, 2015

by: Sarah

Hi Alison,

There are buses direct to Ohrid and Balkan Viator and are the best places to find timetables. I've found the timetables are generally correct for July and August, but not the rest of the year which isn't considered 'the season'.

I just put my dad on this route last week:

Herceg Novi - Ulcinj.

Ulcinj - Tirana. They overnighted here but could have caught a bus to Ohrid that day.

Tirana - Ohrid.

Hope that helps!

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