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Gas Station Availability Around Montenegro

by Nurul Idayu
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Hi Sarah.

Thank you for spend your time attending my enquiries below.

My husband and I are planning a Montenegro roadtrip this 22-28th September 2017.
My husband and I are nature-lovers and we are really into photography, so we want to go around the country to see the beautiful nature and scenery by ourselves. We really excited to explore the beauty of Montenegro!

We are going to rent a car and start from
Podgorica. Then go to Plav, Kolasin, Zabjlak, Nedajno, Niksic, Herceg Novi, Kotor, Tivat,
Budva, Bar, Ulcinj and Podgorica. Then we go back to Malaysia. Luckily, Montenegro is small and I believe our trip will be successful.

My concern is the gas stations. I don't want to worry about running out of gas in the middle of nowhere. Therefore, my question is:
is it easy to find gas stations along the way, especially on out of town roads?
How does the process usually go? Fill up first and pay at the counter or pay first and fill up? Do they except credit card?

This is it for now. I'm currently still in planning mode to make sure my trip is smooth and enjoyable.


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May 16, 2017
Gas Station Availability Around Montenegro
by: Sarah

Hi Nurul,

Thanks for your great question, it sounds like a fantastic trip you have planned and you're going to see a lot! Also, September is the best time to visit Montenegro in my opinion. The crowds and traffic are gone, the weather is beautiful, the sea is warm after heating up all summer long and the atmosphere is relaxed. It's the perfect time for a road trip.

To get to your question, you'll have no trouble with gas stations. You'll find them in every town and in the villages in between, especially on main roads. On the coastal Adriatic Highway between Herceg Novi and Ulcinj there are petrol stations every 10km or so. There are also stations on the roads leading in and out of Podgorica and the roads to Kolasin and Zabljak. The towns are close together too, meaning you'll never be too far from a petrol station. Just make sure you don't let yourself get really low and you'll be fine.

When you refill, you fill first and then pay. Luckily for us Montenegro petrol stations are still service stations, meaning they have staff who'll do the pumping for you. You just tell them how much you want and which kind. Then you go inside to pay. You can pay by credit card at all of them.

Happy travels,

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