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How will I manage as a vegetarian?

by Becca

Hi Sarah,

I don't eat meat or fish and am allergic to nuts. Will I struggle in Montenegro and have you got any advice with where to go?


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May 01, 2023
Vegetarian pain NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes, unfortunately, the only proper warm food (except for salads) are pizzas or pastas, as well as Asian'restaurants. Soups are mostly meat based. After 5 days here I am so tired of walking miles to that won't include. Meat.

May 10, 2022
How will I manage as a vegetarian?
by: Sarah

Hi Becca,

Although Montenegrins are mostly meat-eaters, you'll have no trouble finding vegetarian dishes in Montenegro.

Restaurants serve a range of vegetarian options, like salads, soups, grilled vegetables, pastas and pizzas. Restaurants are always happy to modify dishes too, so you can easily request a modified version of a dish on the menu.

Restaurants are also used to dealing with allergies, just be sure to mention your allergy when you order.

Happy travels,

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