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Public Transport

by Martina

Hi :)

What is public transport like in Montenegro? Is it possible to move around the country just by bus?

I do have a driving license but I am not a good driver, therefore public transport is the only way unfortunately...

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

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Jun 08, 2021
Public Transport
by: Sarah

Hi Martina,

It is possible to get around Montenegro by bus. You won't be able to see as much as you could with your own car, and getting from one place to another will take longer, but you can do it.

I would highly recommend researching routes and bus timetables on before you arrive. That way you'll know what you can reasonably do in the time you have.

If there's something that you really want to see that you can't reach by bus you could think about booking a tour or hiring a car just for a couple of days.

Driving in Montenegro is very simple. There are no multi-lane highways and the towns are very small, often with only one or two traffic lights and roundabouts.

Happy travels,

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